How can we help?
Are you a new or existing business looking for help to retain workers or expand, or branch out internationally? Are you considering Maryland for your next location? The Maryland Department of Commerce is here to help.
As the state's primary economic development agency, we stimulate private investment and create jobs by attracting new businesses, encouraging the expansion and retention of existing companies, and providing workforce training and financial assistance to Maryland companies. The Department also promotes the state's many economic advantages and markets local products and services at home and abroad to spur economic development and international investment, trade and tourism.
Key Services
- Building and site location assistance
- Finance programs, tax credits and job training grants
- Business advocacy and consulting
- Technology transfer
- Foreign direct investment
- Export consulting and marketing
- Tradeshow and conference partnership
Annual Report

Acting Commerce Secretary Harry Coker, Jr.
The Honorable Harry Coker, Jr. was nominated by President Biden and confirmed by the U.S. Senate to serve as the National Cyber Director in the White House, serving from December 2023 to January 2025. Director Coker is a retired Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) senior executive, former National Security Agency (NSA) senior executive and career Naval Officer. View his full bio here.
Department of Commerce Structure
One of 20 agencies within Maryland's Executive Branch, the Maryland Department of Commerce has two primary divisions, and several subsidiary divisions that support the agency.
Staff Leadership
Division of Innovation and Growth
Under the Division of Innovation & Growth, Commerce leads the following offices:
Division of Business Attraction and Special Projects
Under the Division of Business Attraction and Special Projects, Commerce oversees:
Additional Units Supporting the Department of Commerce Include:
The Agency also has 13 public boards and commissions that provide recommendations and direction to Commerce. These boards focus on targeted groups and industry sectors such as small business, life sciences, federal facilities and manufacturing. They serve as a critical link to let the governor and our agency know the issues Maryland businesses are facing — and the best way to solve them.