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Office of Tourism, Film & The Arts

Maryland Office of Tourism

The Office of Tourism promotes Maryland as a travel destination for domestic and international tourists. It promotes the state’s attractions, accommodations and events through its website, annual Destination Maryland guide and newsletters. Additionally, the staff manages public relations, and advises third-party sellers of travel such as travel agents. The office also oversees eight Welcome Centers. Learn more about the travel industry in Maryland.

Maryland Film Office

The Maryland Film Office works to attract productions to film on-location in the state of Maryland, as well as support the State's local film community. Their goal is to make filming in Maryland as easy as possible.

Maryland State Arts Council

The Maryland State Arts Council (MSAC) supports artists and arts organizations looking for technical and financial assistance and incentives. MSAC works daily to build an even stronger creative community across the state by offering a variety of programs, funding opportunities, and connecting artists to resources. 

Steven Skerritt-Davis, Executive Director