The Maryland Aerospace and Technology Commission (MATC) residing in the Department of Commerce was created to promote innovation in the fields of space exploration and commercial aerospace opportunities, including the integration of space, aeronautics, and aviation industries into the economy of the State. Initially the MATC will develop a strategic plan with the goal to create designated aerospace and technology zones in the State.
- Robert Braun - Space Exploration Sector Head, JHU Applied Physics Lab
- Georgie Brophy - Board Member, Maryland Space Business Roundtable (MSBR)
- Willie Brown - Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs, UMES
- Harry Coker, Jr. - Acting Secretary, Department of Commerce
- Alison Flatau - Department Chair Aerospace Engineering, UMCP
- Ryan Gerard - President, Goddard Contractors Association
- Charles Ichoku - UMBC Professor, Director of GESTAR II
- Barbara Lam - CFO and Vice President, Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy
- Jennifer Lotz - Director, Space Telescope Science Institute
- Dale Moore - President, Southern Maryland Navy Alliance
- Janeen Tracy Uzzell - CEO, National Society of Black Engineers
- Robert Rashford - CEO, Genesis Engineering
Ex-Officio Members:
- Mark Chang - Delegate, District 32 Anne Arundel County
- Makenzie Lystrup - Director, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
- Monday, April 22, 2025 from 2PM - 4PM
401 E. Pratt Street
17th Floor Conference Room
Baltimore, MD 21202