On December 19th, 2024, Governor Moore signed EO 01.01.2024.39, establishing the Governor’s Economic Competitiveness Subcabinet. The Subcabinet is composed of the Secretaries of Commerce, Agriculture, Budget and Management, Environment, General Services, Labor, Planning, Higher Education, Housing and Community Development, Governor's Office of Small, Minority, & Women Business Affairs, and Transportation. Additional contributors include the Chancellor of the University System of Maryland, the State Superintendent of Schools, the Executive Director of the Maryland Economic Development Corporation (MEDCO), the Executive Director of the Maryland Clean Energy Center, and the Chief Executive Officer of the Maryland Technology Development Corporation (TEDCO).
The mission of the subcabinet is to advise the Governor on, and identify and recommend policies, regulations, strategies, and actions that strengthen Maryland's economic competitiveness and growth on an ongoing basis; review proposed policies and procedures by executive departments and agencies impacting economic development and workforce development; coordinate the implementation of executive directives and legislation that support business and talent development in the state; track the progress of the cross-agency implementation of the Economic Strategic Plan approved by the Maryland Economic Development Commission; track the progress of the cross-agency implementation of the economic goals under the Moore-Miller Administration's Maryland State Plan; and on a biannual basis, develop and publish a consolidated economic competitiveness plan that incorporates strategies and action plans from every executive department and agency represented on the Subcabinet.
The Subcabinet is chaired by Commerce's Acting Secretary Harry Coker, Jr. The Chair convenes monthly meetings and is responsible for the oversight, direction and accountability of the work of the Cabinet. The Chair's office also provides the primary staff for the Subcabinet.

| Kevin Atticks Secretary, Department of Agriculture |

| Atif Chaudhry Secretary, General Services

| Jake Day Secretary, Department of Housing and Community Development |

| Rebecca Flora Secretary, Maryland Department of Planning

| Helene T. Grady Secretary, Budget and Management

| Josh Kurtz Secretary, Department of Natural Resources

| Susan C. Lee Secretary of State

| Troy LeMaile-Stovall Executive Director/CEO, Maryland Technology Development Corporation (TEDCO)

| Katherine Magruder Executive Director, Maryland Clean Energy Center

| Yolanda "Maria" Martinez Special Secretary, Governor's Office of Small, Minority, and Women Business Affairs

| Serena Mcllwain Secretary, Department of the Environment

| Jay Perman Chancellor, University System of Maryland

| Sanjay Rai Acting Secretary, Maryland Higher Education Commission

Tom Sadowski Executive Director, Maryland Economic Development Corporation (MEDCO)

| Paul Wiedefeld Secretary, Maryland Department of Transportation

| Carey Wright State Superintendent of Schools
Timothy McGowan
Council and Commission Program Specialist
Maryland Department of Commerce
401 E. Pratt Street
Baltimore, MD 21202
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401 E. Pratt Street 17th Fl. Conf. Room
Baltimore, Maryland 21202
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401 E. Pratt Street 17th Fl. Conf. Room
Baltimore, Maryland 21202
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401 E. Pratt Street 17th Fl. Conf. Room
Baltimore, Maryland 21202
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
401 E. Pratt Street 17th Fl. Conf. Room
Baltimore, Maryland 21202
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
401 E. Pratt Street 17th Fl. Conf. Room
Baltimore, Maryland 21202
- Monday, September 22, 2025
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
401 E. Pratt Street 17th Fl. Conf. Room
Baltimore, Maryland 21202
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
401 E. Pratt Street 17th Fl. Conf. Room
Baltimore, Maryland 21202
- Monday, November 17, 2025
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
401 E. Pratt Street 17th Fl. Conf. Room
Baltimore, Maryland 21202
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401 E. Pratt Street 17th Fl. Conf. Room
Baltimore, Maryland 21202
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