Are you a foreign company looking for an opportunity to explore the U.S. market before going “all-in?” Check out the Maryland Global Gateway Soft Landing Program.
The Maryland Global Gateway Soft Landing Program provides international companies with the opportunity to test out the U.S. market at an affordable rate. Soft Landing program partners provide participating companies with access to facilities, resources, advisors, and more. Eligible companies can also receive funding towards physical, programmatic, and other costs associated with market entry.
Features of Maryland’s Global Gateway programs allow foreign companies to:
Physically locate up to two staff at a time for six months, at a business facility where they are able to “plug and play” and have access to the facility amenities, such as internet and conference space. All official soft landing programs are able to assist with these costs for up to six months.
Access, during the six month soft landing period, all relevant learning, networking, and mentoring services offered by the partner organization. All soft landing programs provide at least two of the following services:
- Educational programs/training on various business topics
- Networking events
- Funding for participants
- Strategic partnerships or other special programs
- Access to mentors, advisors, or entrepreneurs-in-residence
Participate in at least five targeted matchmaking meetings with companies, industries, and other organizations in Maryland.
Receive assistance with business registration and navigating state regulations.
Many soft landing programs offer additional services or features. The Maryland Office of International Investment & Trade can assist companies regarding individual programs to learn more about the offerings of each program.
Companies must be legally registered as a business in their home country for at least 1 year
- Companies must have at least 5 full-time, equivalent employees
- Companies must have had at least $500,000 USD in sales revenue and/or external investment in a single year, 2023 or 2024
- Must be able to land physically in Maryland within 6 months of the application round.
To receive funds, companies must ultimately sign an agreement with a Global Gateway partner organization. It is not required to have a partner already in place for the initial application. If you are not already in contact with a partner organization, please complete the application and Commerce will work with you to identify one.
The application portal for Global Gateway's Soft Landing Program is now open to review applications on a rolling basis.

Participating Partners
Click below for a breakdown of services, specialties, locations, and more for the organizations offering Soft Landing programs in Maryland.
For more information about this program, please contact
Soft Landing for Maryland Companies