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Maryland Marketing Partnership

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The Maryland Marketing Partnership, founded in statute as the Maryland Public-Private Partnership Marketing Corporation, was created to develop a branding strategy for the state, market the state’s assets and encourage the location and growth of new businesses in Maryland.

Board members represent various state regions – from Western Maryland to the Eastern Shore – in the areas of business, economic development, labor, non-profit organizations, marketing and advertising, and public relations and communications.​

Executive Committee

  • Chair: Laura Van Eperen, Founder, FOVNDRY
  • Executive Director: Sherri Diehl, Marketing Director, Maryland Department of Commerce
  • Secretary: Linda Thornton Thomas, President, Prince George's County NAACP; CEO, National Coalition of Resources (NCOR)
  • Treasurer: Leon Bailey, Jr., President, LeBe Group


  • Harry Coker, Jr., Acting Secretary, Maryland Department of Commerce
  • Sila Alegret-Bartel, Owner, International Corporate Training & Marketing  
  • Ericka Covington, D.B.A., Dean of Graduate Studies, Coppin State University
  • Brett Foelber, Assistant Vice President, Marketing, St. John Properties
  • Captain Eric Nielsen, President, Association of Maryland Pilots
  • Shannon Prudhomme, Sr. Technical Manager, Corus International
  • Dionne Joyner-Weems, Chief Energy Officer, Audacity Group
  • Ali von Paris, CEO and Founder, Route One Apparel, Inc.
  • Micha Van Weinblatt, CEO, Crooked Monkey 
Ex officio 
  • Senator Cheryl Kagan (District 17; appointed by Senate President)
  • Delegate Kris Valderrama (District 26; appointed by House Speaker)



Sherri Diehl, Acting Executive Director, MMP
Marketing Director, Maryland Department of Commerce
401 East Pratt Street
Baltimore, MD 21202


  • Monday, March 3, 2025
10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
401 E. Pratt Street
World Trade Center
Baltimore, Maryland 21202




For a full detailed list of all of the companies partnering with MMP, please visit